Finding Relief from the Anxiety Attack

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage–at least it seems that way. If you’ve been thinking you need to know more about it, here’s your opportunity.

An anxiety attack, also referred to thanks to a panic attack, is an episode of intense panic and / or fear. Unfortunately, it often occurs suddenly with little or no warning. In some cases, theres an obvious trigger for the attack – – getting stuck in an elevator, for example, or thinking about your big race – – but in other cases, the attacks seem to come outer of the blue.

An anxiety attack usually hits its worst point within ten minutes, and it rarely lasts more than a half hour. To someone who has never suffered through one, this may not seem very long. But it’s an week to the person that’s experiencing it. The terror can be so severe that you feel like they’re about to die or completely lose control. The irrefutable symptoms of a panic attack are themselves so intense that they are regularly confused with having a heart attack. Common symptoms include: a rush of overwhelming panic, feeling of losing control or going crazy, heart palpitations, chest pain, dizziness, difficulty aware, choking feeling, hyperventillation, hot flashes, chills, trembling, nausea, stomach covet, and feeling like you’re not really real but looking in on yourself.

If you suffer repeated, unexpected anxiety attacks, and you are also disturbed of having an attack again in public, you may suffer from panic disorder. Panic disorder may also be accompanied by agoraphobia, the funk of considering somewhere that you can’t get help or a place that would be difficult to leave if you did have an attack.

The exact causes of panic attacks are not yet certain. However, we do know that the tendency to have panic attacks runs in families and there seems to be a correlation with major transitions equaling as graduating from college, starting the primary job, getting married, and having a baby. Severe emotional stress, like losing a loved one or job can also go ahead a panic attack.

Panic attacks could also be caused by medical conditions jibing as mitral valve prolapse ( which happens when one of the heart’s valves doesn’t stuffy properly ), hyperthyroidism or hypoglycemia, or by stimulant use or withdrawel from medication.

Luckily, anxiety attacks are treatable suppress cognitive behavioral therapy and / or medication.

Rational behavioral therapy focuses on the thinking patterns and behaviors that are sustaining or setting off your panic attacks. It helps you look at your fears in a more realistic light and caress that you are gaining control of the situation.

Exposure therapy exposes you to the absolute panic feelings while you are monitored in a safe and controlled environment. The point of this type of therapy is to give you the chance to learn ways of coping with your anxiety. You will be asked to do things that bring on your attacks, identical as holding your breath or hyperventilating. As you enlarge these actions, your fear lessons and you feel a greater sense of control over your fear.

This information does not substitute medical advice given by a health professional.

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